Friday, December 16, 2011

While the holidays may bring peace to some for most, though the season simply personifies materialistic to the max
In David McCullough's speech, he says "I want you to go as far as I have gone."
David McCullough is saying that we spend our money and fly around the world. Why we need to be doing that? We don't. It’s just another materialistic thing. This could easily hurt our nations. We wouldn't be all for one. According to Lisa Huff an English teacher, she explains that F. Scott Fitzgerald cautioned a generation, noting how extravagance and over abundance can detail a productive and healthy life style.
In the article F. Scott is trying to caution people so they won’t be so materialistic. He’s also saying if we become to materialistic our lives will lead to unhealthy ways.
In the article, doesn’t rain holiday season with materialism by Jennifer Cabin, "Jenifer says" trust them? The article says that a typical first grader is able to recognize 200 brads and acquires 70new toys a year. A professor says that kids who buy into these more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety ect.

If we don’t take a stand and try to bring materialism down then were going to get the impact and its going to be hard and hurt. All this really shows were pushing materialism to the max! People don’t even know what we are in for.

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